This is my favourite game! Walkthrough (spoilers)
Click right side of the box (If you wait a couple of seconds it says (click here!)
Then click the line, the line after that and there should be 3 lines and two boxes.
Click the second box
then the first box
then click the mushroom
then wear the tiki head (by clicking it)
Then go on the spaceship
Click crater above the stick-man, then fall in the crater
Click the stick-man so he can get up
go to the right, then left
click the lower left hand corner and click it and the door will open
Click platform
click top green button
quickly click the green button on the left and hurry back to the platform
Click bottom green button, this should melt the door allowing you access to the fourth level
Click the space before the first clamp thing, then jump through it while it's open then jump down.
Click the space before the 2nd clamp then when it's open, jump through it, and immediatly jump through the 3rd clamp while it's open.
Walk to the middle between the two yellow boxes
quickly click the ground underneath you
jump down at the end
Click bottom space
when first monster appears on left click the far right
click the monsters mouth
go inside
1ST RED BUG: Don't try to go back or click anywhere or it'll just eat you. Just wait until it's upside down then click the space below it.
2ND RED BUG: You see the purple wall? Click it and you'll pass the bug
3RD RED BUG: First click the upper right part of the intestine then click the ledge and you'll pass that bug. (Note: Click the ledge quick!)
4TH RED BUG: Jump up to the U-shaped intestine then drop down then click the V-part in the U-shaped intestine. You should pass the bug
5TH RED BUG: Click the wall in front of you then jump over the bug
6TH RED BUG: Click the halfway point between the bug and you. Quickly jump over the bug
7TH RED BUG: This is tricky. Click the V that will make you pass the red bug. You are finished the trickiest level in the game!
You land in the water. Go right, and click the portal! YOU FINISHED THE GAME! You should get a W00T! and another message.
Thanks, Your Walkthrough buddy: JerRyKirkhAm!